Sunday, July 17, 2016


Reflexology is an alternative medical procedure which involves the application of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears in order to receive a positive effect on a person's organs and physical health.

Reflexologists access these points on the feet and hands (bottom, sides, and top) and the ear (both inside as far as the finger can reach and outside) to positively affect organs and bodily systems.

Reflexologists believe these reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems whereby pressing them has a beneficial effect on the person's organs and general health. For example, reflexology contends that a specific spot in the arch of the foot corresponds to the bladder. When a reflexologist uses fingers or thumbs to apply appropriate pressure to this area, it positively affects bladder functioning.

Although not used to diagnose health disorders, millions of people around the world utilize reflexology to complement other treatments when addressing conditions such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, anxiety, cardiovascular issues, kidneys, sinus cavities and PMS.

Reflexology has grown increasingly popular across Europe and Asia as both a complement to other treatments and as a preventive measure.

For example, in Denmark various companies and municipalities have employed reflexologists since the early '90s. According to several studies, this practice in Denmark has resulted in reduced absenteeism and sick leave. Employees have consistently reported partial or complete improvement in conditions through reflexology, including relief from additional problems related to stress.

Maps of reflex points have been passed among reflexologists worldwide. Although, there is not an agreement among global reflexologists on all aspects, there is a general agreement on the major reflex points. Plus, there is some scientific documentation of linkages between the reflex points and internal organs.

Reflexologists use reflexology diagrams (maps) to represent how the body systems correspond to one another.

For example, reflexology map exists for the feet whereby each foot represents a vertical half of the body -- the left foot corresponds to the left side of the body and all organs found there -- the right foot corresponds to the right side of the body and all organs found there. Since the liver is on the right side of the body, therefore the corresponding reflex area is on the right foot.

Whatever the specific technique, reflexology theory confirms that the reflexologist is working to relieve stress or congestion in the nervous system and balance the body's energy.

Reflexology contends that the blockage of a person's invisible life force (energy field) can be a factor in preventing healing. Reflexologists believe they are able to relieve stress and pain in various parts of the body through the manipulation of the feet or hands.

For example, Reflexology contends that every point on the body has a specific connection with the hands.

  • The palms are linked with the nervous system -- to protect your psychological balance, clap your hands to improve the circulation, making you feel better.

  • The thumb is linked with the heart and lungs -- if your heartbeat is racing, rub the thumb and pull it. The heartbeat should slow down.

  • The forefinger is linked with the colon and stomach -- to relieve abdominal pain or constipation, press the forefinger and rub it for roughly for one minute before pulling it. You should feel improvement in a short while.

  • The middle finger is linked with the small intestine, the heart, the respiratory system and blood -- whenever you feel nausea, dizziness or insomnia, stretch out the middle finger and rub it.

  • The ring finger is linked with mood -- to deal with depression, massage the finger.

  • The small finger is linked with kidneys, neck pain or headache -- massage the finger for relief.

Also, the Third Eye acupressure point (located on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows) is beneficial for treating eye strain, relieving stress, chronic headaches, improving memory, relieving sinus pain, nasal congestion, calming the mind and emotional imbalances. For the best results, you need to close the eyes, slowly press the point with your middle finger for a few seconds up to one minute and then release.

If you consult five doctors about the same condition, you may get seven different opinions. Personal health is extremely important and highly controversial. Perhaps the best prescription is to proceed with whatever works for you.

On the positive side, there's nothing like a bit of physical pain to take your mind away from emotional problems.

Quote for the Day -- “There are two means of refuge from the misery of life -- music and cats.” Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Bret Burquest is the author of 11 books. He lives in the Ozark Mountains with a few dogs and where a placebo can often work miracles.

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