Friday, May 14, 2010

Sedna -- Goddess of the Sea

The Inuit are the indigenous natives inhabiting the Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, Greenland and coastal Labrador. In Alaska, they are also called Eskimo.

Arnapkapfaaluk is an Inuit word meaning Big Bad Woman. It is also a word for Sedna, the Inuit Goddess of the Deep Sea who dwells in the cold depths of the Arctic Ocean and protects the sea-creatures.

According to Inuit legend, Sedna was so huge and hungry that she ate everything in her parent’s house, then gnawed off one of her father’s arms while he was asleep. Big bad woman indeed -- not the sort of chick you want to meet on a blind date when Mercury is in retrograde.

Sedna is presented to many men but finds none of them to her liking, so she marries a dog. Her father becomes upset, takes Sedna out to sea in his kayak and tosses her over the side. Sedna clings to the side of the kayak whereupon her father chops off her fingers until Sedna sinks into the underworld and becomes immortal. Sedna’s huge fingers become the seals and walrus to be hunted by the Inuit.

It’s probably not a true story, but don’t argue about it in a barroom north of the Arctic Circle.

On November 14, 2003, an object was discovered in deep space by Mike Brown from Caltech, along with astronomers from Gemini Observatory and Yale University. It was designated 2003 VB12.

This object is about a thousand miles in diameter -- half the diameter of our moon, three-fourths the size of Pluto. It has a highly eliptical orbit of 10,500 years, is the reddest object in our solar system, after Mars, and resides in the coldest known region of our solar system where the temperature never exceeds 400 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit).

Since it is the coldest, most distant object known to orbit the sun, it has been named Sedna, after the Inuit Goddess of the cold, deep sea.

Sedna will be closer and brighter over the next 72 years than anytime during its 10,500 orbit to the edge of our solar system.

There has been debate in the astrology community as to whether or not Sedna is the 10th planet in our solar system.

Sedna is linked to the sign of Cancer, seemingly confirmed by its zodiacal location of early Cancer at “perihelion” (home sign). To astrologers, Sedna is very ancient and has a primordial influence. It has been in the zodiac sign of Aries from 1800s to 1960s and Taurus from 1960s to 2024.

For who reside in the Woo Woo World, an interesting set of synchronicities has taken place. It has been suggested (calculated) that Sedna has a much shorter orbit. It can be demonstrated that Sedna takes some 1,800 years to cross half the Zodiac -- from early Cancer (perihelion) to somewhere in early Capricorn (aphelion, opposite point). This would mean that Sedna has a 3,600 year orbit -- identical to Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretation of the ancient Sumerian texts as to the orbit of Nibiru (possibly Planet X), when Nibiru is in the sign of Cancer at the perihelion of its orbit, approaching Earth. Even if it is not Planet X, there is some speculation it may be one of its satellites.

Sedna will be at its perihelion (home plate) in 2075-76, in the Zodiac sign of Cancer.

I consulted my astrological friend, Holly Avila of Blue Planet band, about the phenomenon of Sedna, the Goddess who provides food from the sea for her people. Holly declared, “At the moment that the rig blew (April 20), the moon was at 21 Cancer, and Jupiter was at 21 Pisces, two of the three water signs, and Sedna was at the exact midpoint of these two planets as they hit their trine, at 21 Taurus. The Moon rules Cancer and Cancer rules the sea, Jupiter expands everything and is in Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune the god of the sea…. I think I'm right about Sedna’s influence on the oil gusher. It's as if she has gotten so disgusted with us that she is going to withhold all food from the sea for humanity forever.”

All of this may be irrelevant to much of the world, but anything involving a big bad woman always gets my attention.

Quote for the Day -- “I’ve got a Big Bad Woman, lord… She stands six foot two… She kicks just like a donkey… And rides like a mule.” lyrics by Dennis Victor Allen

Bret Burquest is an award-winning columnist and author of four novels. He lives in the Ozark Mountains with a dog named Buddy Lee and where big bad women roam the countryside looking for men to gnaw upon. His blogs appear on several websites, including